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3 Responses to Academics

  1. Harold Bethelmy says:

    Great teaching, a must to all who- value
    the word.

    • says:

      Wonderful teachings I am just about to finish up the discipleship training.
      One more test and done, and let me say these teaching are priceless. As no one can put a price on the soul,hope,and faith. ARTHUR’S teaching techniques MAKE LERNING FUN AND EASY, and you will not go to sleep because it just that GOOD. The questioning part of the teaching are also priceless you learn so much with that part as will.

  2. Brandon Palms says:

    Shalom HOI! I want to start by thanking you for making these classes free. I don’t believe I could have done it any other way or at least without getting a loan for it. That goes for the Discipleship 101 as well.

    Thank You so much for the prayers, words of encouragement and the reminders at the beginning and end of service. Because we all need to continue our schooling, knowledge, wisdom and most of all shinning our light and being a watchman to those who may be blind.

    This is a great way to learn how to “without fear” spread the Gospel, run your household, your business or just how to interact with coworkers or other people in a community setting.

    You will be learning, teaching and testing yourself. At the end you should feel empowered and ready to take that leap of faith into the roll YeHoVaH is calling you and even in which Yeshua says we are all called to in (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16; Llk 24:47;)

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